As we march steadfastly towards a beautiful spring, there is continuing momentum in 3/4N2.
This week we welcomed Mark who shared the mathematics and many other aspects of architectural life, including the financial considerations and design inspirations behind the construction of embassies and hospitals.

The neighbourhood has also been inspired by the work of Dr Mary-Jane Walker and her indigenous bird sculptures. Our studio has been a hive of activity as students construct Pixie’s Parasols, Mountain Pygmy Possums, Red Foxes and Red-tailed Black Cockatoos. These constructions link in and deepen the students’ connections to our two big ideas, that our decisions are based on our understandings and that we understand the world through classifying and organising.

Our ongoing mathematical focus is the joys of fractions, equal parts, wholes and how these link to division, multiplication, decimals and the number 1,000,000,000,000.
We continue to deepen our indigenous species reports with beautiful scientific drawings, research driven vocabulary, rich details and carefully chosen subheadings.