How Communities Influence Communities
This week as we prepared with zen-like focus for the Welcome Expo, 3/4N1 truly embodied what it means to persist, overcome challenge and achieve success. Across the neighbourhood students walked in the shoes of potential visitors and considered how they might best experience the Expo. The students carefully documented their responses by thinking about what they had created, why they had created it and what their learning had been. Their documentation was then positioned in the space that best suited its intention and the process involved in its creation. Responses showcased a growing understanding of the natural environment in our community, the use of colour and its influence on our emotions and a breathtaking array of welcome sculptures. The students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to share their learning with the wider PHPS community and greatly appreciated the warm feedback they received.
We have also continued exploring mathematical problem solving, delving deeper into strategies to approach challenging problems. Students used physical materials, drawing and number sentences to build their understandings of place value, multiplicative thinking and counting methods.