Our collective journey along the roads of community, welcome and active citizenship has continued this past week with some unexpected and enjoyable twists and turns. In 3/4N2 the students have been responding with greater depth to the questions of what it means to be a community and how we contribute to the greater good and shared goals. As students considered how they can contribute to the wellbeing of their communities they explored persuasive writing and ways they can bring about change, from giving teacher feedback to shaping our vegetable garden.

Some of the current responses include the creation of detailed maps that show how the spaces are used to demonstrate community, short films which demonstrate problem solving, persistence and respectful language and clay sculptures that represent welcome.

Alongside our problem solving workshops students have been developing their understanding of real life mathematical problems. They have investigated the communities and interests of our neighbourhood and reflected on how they might use this data, including welcoming and labeling our spaces based on our diverse language backgrounds.