This semester there have been many moments when we felt gratitude to other people in our community. When we express our gratitude it improves our wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around us.
After taking some time to reflect and ponder, these are a few heartwarming examples:
Ivy: Ayshe and I are making a surprise card for two people who have really helped our learning this year.
David: My dad is getting me my first ever Lego train. I have been asking for one since I was four. My dad also makes me very yummy dumplings and curry. I am very grateful to him.

Flynn: I am grateful to all of my dear friends for helping me through school and life this year (and previous years)!
Hattie: I am grateful to a person in this neighbourhood (Arabella) for helping me through things this year and supporting me in my interests.
Lucy: I am grateful for my cousins because whenever I go over to their house, my cousin lets me sleep in her bed.
Ayshe: I am grateful to 3 people. The first is my grandparents because they always help me even though they live in Newcastle. Secondly, I wrote a card to Alex because she always supports me even though she has been really sick this year. Lastly, Ruby has been my homegroup teacher for three years and she always helps me.
Huon: I am grateful for my budgie Giji. He is very calm and also very crazy. He has been a comfort for me since he came into my life. He helps with calming me down and he makes me laugh because he is extremely comedic.
Arabella: I am grateful for Hattie because she supports all of the things I like and she’s such a good friend. She’s really kind and she’s open to do things that she doesn’t want to do but she always thinks about others rather than herself all the time. She is very loyal.

Alex S: I am grateful for my dance teacher Jess because she always makes sure that I am always doing my best which will help me in the future.
Charlie: I am grateful for my mum because she is always there for me when I need help. She also supports me if I’m stuck with schoolwork or need help with my maths.
Owen P: I am grateful to my dad for helping with my basketball. To do this he needs to stop work at 17:00 and come home which means he has to make up this time later in the evening.
We wish you a safe and gratitude filled holiday!