Visual Art
Term 1 weeks 3 and 4
Re- configuring and re-shaping our sense of togetherness through the medium of textiles
This week we have spent time further developing our ideas and understanding of textiles, stitched lines and how images can be transferred from one medium to another.
Collaging further using the papers we created for the original collage project with Sarah has allowed us to deepen our understanding of us the medium of collage and how paper can be layered to create depth of colour and shape in an image. We further deepened our explorations by adding a new kind of line- the stitched line- to our images and created complexity and embellishment using a range of seemingly non related mediums.
The exploration of textiles has begun this term through an understanding that the medium is so much more than stitching fabric together and that the potential for expression can be explored in a multi-disciplinary way.

Our main focus this week was on designing the block for our next exploration – our printed fabric – and doing this in relation to our re-examination of our reflections of our connections with nature. We used these reflections to make the sometimes difficult decision of creating a design for our printed fabric.
Creating a design that we are happy with and that we imagine as a length of fabric was difficult. This week we played around with ideas by warming up and loosening up using a drawing exercise that involved drawing with our eyes closed. This exercise pushes the brain to imagine and visualise the line and shape of the image we want to draw in our mind’s eye. It was fun to see how the image turned out when we opened our eyes!
Next week we plan to create the block or stamp for our repeated design and printed fabric.