Basketball Galore!
Back in Term 1, we asked all of our students which sports activities and skills they wanted to personal develop or discover throughout the year. One of the more popular sports picks was basketball! Continuing on with our inquiry idea of a ‘healthy self’ we identified, focusing in on basketball, that the skills we wanted to grow included:
- Hand and eye coordination development
- Throwing and catching
- Agility and movement
- Teamwork and sharing
What better way to begin the term than to discover the world of basketball. The 5/6 students have Interschool Sports commencing around the corner (in week 3) therefore training with these skills are well under way. The focus was not just building more confidence with our current basketball skills, but clearly understanding the rules and regulations when competing against the other teams in our district.
The younger year levels have had a simpler approach to the sport than their senior peers. Starting from the basic skills of dribbling, passing and shooting to the more advanced level of twisting while bouncing, bounce-passing and/or building the running speed from one end of the court to the other.
In other sporting news, we had our exciting District Cross Country at Princes Park this week. A big congratulations to all of those who participated in the event and well done to those who made it through to division – as the event only recently completed, we will share the names in our next edition. And finally, as mentioned above, the Interschool Sports will begin their 7-week competition for the Year’s 5/6’s. The sports include basketball, soccer, AFL, tee ball and netball. Good luck to all involved!