The junior school tabloid sports were such a huge success! The participation of the students was incredible; they demonstrated perseverance, determination, teamwork, sportsmanship, house spirit, and showed that they really are strong and capable children.
The events were chicken slinging, captain’s coming, caterpillar team challenge, egg and spoon races, sack races, team island relays, extreme rob the nest, tabloid training, tug-o-war, puzzle relay, cross the river, batting bridges, and parachute playtime. We couldn’t have asked for a better morning on a crisp, yet clear winter’s morning for Simon from Educational Sports Carnivals to come in and lead this fantastic event with the children.
Summed up by a Year 6 student helper: my favourite part of the junior tabloid sports was seeing the smiles on the little kids’ faces.
Thank you to all of our wonderful parent volunteers; without you the event would not have been the success it was. It really was a great community event with our Year 5/6 students helping throughout the event, and great to see such a wonderful turnout of families as spectators.
The children were asked if this event should be added to the calendar for next year: an overwhelming and resounding YES! Until next year…