Finishing HPE with a bang!
We all waited such a long time for the restrictions to ease in returning to school. But an even longer time, in fact, in celebrating both our senior school’s athletics events as well as the junior school’s Mini Olympics.
In our final week for the year (Week 11), the senior school will wrap the year up by completing their final athletics events at school. During these last three weeks, the students have eagerly participated in events we would have originally completed at the carnival – discus, shot put, running events (200m, 100m sprint) and long/triple jump. It’s taken us all the way up to the last week of the term to complete these events due to restrictions, of course, although the students have thoroughly enjoyed the rich experiences.
Once all events are complete, I will visit each neighbourhood in Year’s 3-6 and deliver a brief ribbon ceremony as a part of their celebrations of participation. Not only do these include placings from 1st to 4th, but also celebrating several students who represented our school value of strong and capable children. Photos will be shared in my final blog post next week.
The junior school, too, will be celebrating their long-awaited Mini Olympics next Thursday. Not only has it been a long wait, but an exciting build up. We are also inviting students to dress up in their favourite sports theme, if they wish! All home groups in P-2 will engage in several Olympic-based activities which will allow students to perform their running, jumping, throwing and balancing skills. Instead of handing students ribbons of places, I plan to hand out celebration ribbons that, similar to the senior school, strongly reflect our schools values of strong and capable children: having a go, determination of doing my best and displaying strong team ethics.
A brief reflection will be shared on the blog, in the final days of next week. Along with several photos of students participating in both the athletics carnival events and the Mini Olympics occasion. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of the parents, teachers and admin staff who had made my first year of HPE an enjoyable and successful one. Let’s all hope 2022 brings back many more sports events free of interruption!