‘Enjoying the moments!’
I asked the students this week ‘what has been your favourite part of Health & PE since we have returned to face to face learning’ to which I had several positive responses, of course – being together with friends, playing sport with people, working together in team situations etc. But one student in Year 4 (Banjo), summed it up perfectly – ‘I’m just enjoying the moments.’ And as we see the term/year coming to an end soon, it has been important to reflect on the year, not just from the perspective of playing sport in our home groups, but through the understanding of our emotions and our welfare.
These last few weeks, students have continued coming together in their year levels celebrating their favourite sports, to which they nominated at the start of the term. Last week and this week has been no different…
The Prep’s worked on their ball handling skills using basketballs, soccer balls and footballs. The focus here was passing, bouncing, catching and consolidating on their movements whilst having possession of the balls.
Year’s 1 & 2 had a new focus on hockey! We were very lucky to already have a number of students who already play hockey in local clubs. These students not only shared light on hints and tips of the sports, but also volunteered to help coach other kids too. Skills involved holding the hockey stick correctly, having control of the ball as well as passing to other team members.
One of the middle school’s nominated sports was soccer this past fortnight. Students from Year’s 3 & 4 had the opportunity to work closely on developing their skills within the sport such as ball control, shooting for goal, passing in pressured situations and having a go at ‘headers.’
And finally, the senior school’s chosen team sport was basketball! Before the sessions commenced, I specifically asked the students to take on roles within their teams. What position are you going to play for your side? Who is going to be an on/off-court leader? What specific skills can you share with others? How are you going to discuss tactics at half time?
It was quite fascinating, when put under some pressure, how students took on their roles within the team to achieve success. But what was most pleasing of all was the amazing sportsmanship shown by all students in their teams – particularly the teams who didn’t have as much experience as others, the support and encouragement was excellent to see. This clearly reflected our school value of strong and capable children perfectly – enjoying the moment.