Un arcobaleno di emozioni….
Have you ever thought of emotions having colours? What might ‘arrabbiato’ (angry) look like? Or ‘felice’ (happy)? As we commence our exploration of ’emozioni’ and learn to respond to the question “come ti senti oggi?” (how do you feel today)? we have viewed some authentic Italian resources to expand our vocabulary. We shared how we felt about the different feelings and discovered that we had different opinions about what colour ‘felice’ (happy), ‘triste’ (sad), ‘calmo’ (calm) should be! The students responded to the question by creating characters that represented different feelings, and selecting a colour that they felt represented that feeling. Some students created comics, stories, posters to demonstrate their thinking. Many students enjoyed creating videos to display their authentic pronunciation and use of sentences to describe ’emozioni’. E tu, come ti senti oggi? (How do YOU feel today?)