Returning to HPE for Term 4!
Welcome back to the final term of the year! What an up and down year it certainly has been for 2021 – let’s all hope this last Term we can all come together as One Community and celebrate the year that was. As we count down the days until we return to face to face learning, we continue to learn remotely via Seesaw. As you would all know by now, Week 3 sees the Prep-2 students return on staggered days and then finally in Week 4 we welcome all year levels return – again staggered throughout the week.
But the first two weeks back this term has seen some fantastic engagement from the students in line with their HPE learning on Seesaw. As challenging as the motivation levels have been lately due to our current situation, I want to thank students, parents and supporting teachers for keeping up the amazing efforts with your physical fitness as well as completing your weekly tasks.
Week 1 of remote learning gave the students an opportunities to stop and reflect on their year in Health & PE; what successes have you had in sport and what areas would you like to work on further. The task required them to think carefully of two important goals set for the remainder of the Term. The first goal being a Health & Wellbeing goal (eating habits, meditation, sleeping habits and/or hobbies) and the second a Physical goal (fitness, confidence playing sport, taking on roles and/or trying out new sports). Throughout the term, we will be revisiting everyone’s goals and giving students the chance to explain how they’re tracking with them. Take a look at some of the great goals set…
This week the students have begun their physical exercises – CONDITIONING exercises that is! The task was a fun, but somewhat challenging as it truly tested the kids’ fitness levels. As we will be focusing closely on conditioning exercises as part of this term’s lesson warm-ups and/or mid way through games or focused sports, I asked the students to begin exercising and building their inner strength, size as well as their endurance levels for the return to face to face learning. By capturing a short clip or a series of photos, the kids were not only encouraged to involve the family, but also persist with these daily exercises in order to ‘shake off’ the lockdown fatigue and physically prepare themselves for the return to school.