Adding Healthy Habits & Removing Unhealthy Habits!
As we close in on another term, mostly at home, we’ve come to realise (again) how important our physical exercise really is not just for our bodies, but our mindset too. Over the last two months, the students have had a strong focus with our athletics carnivals – preparing, training, building fitness hopefully towards a celebration of having a go, teamwork as well as setting/achieving personal goals. Even though our current situation is complex, we still hope we can come together early term four and enjoy the success that both the junior ‘Mini Olympics’ and the senior Athletics Carnival can bring.
These last two weeks have not so much had a focus on the physical perspective of Health & PE, but rather stop and reflect on our personal habits at home. ‘Small changes can achieve big outcomes’ was the key statement I put to the students. During week nine, students’ task was simply to think about their current habits; here they were required to think of at least one unhealthy habit and remove it from their daily schedule – up until the end of the term. But then, they were also to think of a healthy habit they could add to their daily schedule.
The final week’s task was quite similar, although was an opportunity to share and capture how students were tracking with their added healthy habits/goals. Through writing, video recording or pictures, students were encouraged to share strategies as well as express honestly how their new healthy habits were going. Enjoy below the experiences over the past two weeks…