Visual Art: Sending positive messages to the world – patterning on found objects. Year 1-6 Visual Art
Sending Messages of Hope in Small Things- This week we will find imaginative ways to send messages out to the world using pattern ideas we have developed over the past few weeks. This week we shared a message to the world that help to lift people’s spirits and create a feeling of well-being and happiness. How do artists do this? Often Graffiti artists share their messages through painting or pasting on walls in public places. We worked small on shells, stones, pieces of bark, and wood, and sent out little messages to the world in a special way. We hope people will come across these messages on their daily walks, and it will make them smile! Small messages of hope and love in these times are important. We were inspired by an English artist, Catherine Laing, who collected 10 similar natural objects from the beach every day and took them home, and then drew on them, an image of something that made her feel hopeful. She then leaves them sitting in special places on the beach to share with other walkers. This week, students collected 10 stones, pebbles, bark, seed pods or anything from nature that they could draw a pattern and write a message on. Using a Sharpie, Posca pen or they wrote a message of hope. Students then took these out into the world to share their messages of hope and love…