Creating Sculptural forms from collected materials…
Prep students
Last week I was so impressed with the amazing Stick sculptures the Prep students made! They were wonderful! What I noticed was that the Preps all experimented with a range of materials to create really original sculptures. This week, we continued playing around with sticks and we made a dwelling or home for our stick characters. We continued collecting sticks and natural materials like seed pods leaves and gumnuts, string or wool, rubber bands and scraps of fabric and ribbon. Students then took three sticks about the same length. They then joined them with a rubber band at the top, wound string, yarn or fabric strips around the sticks to decorate and added fabric, flags or any other materials to decorate their shelter or dwelling! Students had so much fun making up games with their beautiful stick character shelters and dwellings! It is important to play around with a range of materials to make and create with, and explore the possibilities of bringing these variety of materials together. Some students created a magical world beneath a plant pot where characters lived in their dwellings protected form the world outside!