Una famiglia di supereroi!
Ciao a tutti! This week during remote learning we’ve been building our capacity to name and describe members of our family. We have had fun imagining them as superheroes, with special powers to match. We’ve looked at how to use adjectives such as ‘forte’, ‘intelligente’, ‘sportivo’, ‘creativa’, ‘gentile’. Students have used their super creative powers to represent their family members as superheroes, introducing them and describing them with a variety of Italian adjectives. We’ve used sentence starters such as: “questo e/questa e`…mio/mia”, remembering to use a different possessive article for males and females. We also needed to remember to sometimes change the ending of an adjective, if we are describing a female: for example ‘sportiva’, ‘creativa’ or ‘buffa’!
Here are some wonderful examples of ‘supereroi della famiglia’!