La mia famiglia…la mia storia!
This term we have commenced an inquiry entitled: La mia famiglia…la mia storia. (My family…my story) We have started our inquiry with a focus on the use of the definite article and the way it differs for males and females (eg il papa`, la mamma). Thus far the students have learnt to name the various members of the family in Italian and they will then discover how to use the possessive form (mia mamma, mio nonno) and some simple adjectives to describe their family members.
Together we will consider the significance of family in the Italian culture; we will explore Italian migration to Australia and the impact the Italians have made to our society. Students will be encouraged to share their family languages, the names of family members in their home language. Together we will explore the stories of our families: where does my family come from? What languages do they speak? What are the special customs and traditions of our family, our culture?