Frasi utilissimi!
We’ve been learning a lot of interactive language and essential phrases to aid social interaction: grazie, per favore, posso avere……, mi dispiace, permesso (thank you, please, may I have, I’m sorry, excuse me) are just a few examples. Students are experiencing this essential language through games, social interactions, viewing of authentic Italian language texts, reading, writing and making experiences. In years 3-6 we have been exploring this language through collaborative experiences such as engaging in Kahoot quizzes, creating large posters to document learning and developing scripts for role plays. The prep students are becoming adept at saying per favore and grazie, whilst also discussing their likes and dislikes: mi piace/non mi piace. Students in years 1 and 2 are enjoying developing puppets, role plays and funny weather reports to build the capacity to order foods, shop and interact with one another to share feelings and discuss the weather. Inspired by the phrase, ‘raining cats and dogs’ we have improvised to create amusing sentences like: Piove gelati, piove pizza, piove lecca lecca (it’s raining ice cream, pizza and lollipops!)