PHPS Bazaar 2023: what an outstanding day! A massive thank you to everyone for creating a day for our kids where their ‘Bazaar dreams’ came true. All day, the excitement and joy was beaming from their faces, and it was terrific to see so many students helping out and working alongside their parents/carers. The main stage programming was superb in its line up and focussed on celebrating the diverse talents of our community. Bravo to everyone, and Bravissimo to our youngest performers who sparkled in the Bazaar Talent Show✨👏🏼✨.

Setting up for the Bazaar is itself, a two day mega event requiring all hands on deck. By brekky time on Sunday, when I rocked in with sleeves rolled up ready to pitch in, Myles, Danny and the stage crew were plugged in, set and ‘sitting sweet’ entertaining the north oval area while test driving the sound gear. Epic! By 10am the live entertainment was grooving with PHSC’s Used Car Horns band under the direction of Andy Williamson. What a tremendous line up of saxs, and what a great credit to our IM saxophone teacher Mitchell Cross. At least half of the band are his former students who started their musical journey in our IM program. It was great to hear them play, and such a buzz to see them really loving performing at an event which was for them an annual primary school high-light. And yes, everyone I spoke to said everything was so much smaller than they remembered: ha ha, back in the day their saxophones used to knock their knees! It was an added treat to hear Arlo Fennessy, our fabulous drummer who graduated in 2019, drive the band with his ever impressive finesse. Following UCH was a PHSC student led band Planet Eighty-nine who impressed with a couple of original songs and David Bowie covers. It was a delight to have Andy and the PHSC students visiting again and to reconnect with our extended PHSC family.

Contrasting with all the action and excitement, was the sharing of the Smoking Ceremony and Welcome to Country with Colin. It was both uplifting and grounding, and an honour to join in a cleansing ritual which has been performed on country for thousands of years. For me, it was a reminder that we are all ‘passing through’, and are a small but vital part of something much greater to which we are all connected. I loved seeing the children engaging with the ceremony, and older members of our community too, and I was grateful to have a moment to stop and reflect with renewed hope for the future. Thank you to the Bazaar and Ruby for inviting Colin to Welcome us to Country with a Smoking Ceremony.

The music high lights continued with the blissful singing of Emily and Heather, ‘our’ opera stars. Top favourites including the ‘Flower Duet’ from ‘Lakmé’ by Delibes and Gershwin’s ‘Summer Time’ from ‘Porgy and Bess’ were absolutely glorious and such an inspiration.
By mid-day, the sky was a heavenly blue, and we were warmed up and ready for this year’s Bazaar Talent Show. Students from across the school have been practising for weeks and their dedication was evident. The resulting beaming confidence and pride in achievement was a joy to witness. The big learning ‘win’ in this student led response to an invitation to perform, is that the students create their show routines entirely by them selves, and share their expertise with their friends. Students who have attended dance classes were teaching their friends the moves, and students who play instruments were working out melodies themselves which they could then play with their friends. We were treated to fabulous gymnastics inspired dance routines, tender singing, confident instrumental playing and some very cool dance moves displays featuring Oliver’s crazy legs demonstrating the Rock ‘n’ Roll style, Tobias’s smooth Michael Jackson moves, and Henry’s cool ‘Getting Sturdy’ routine. The fire of inspiration was aglow, as was the passion for songs by Taylor Swift. A special mention must go to Isabel from Prep who recited her own poem inspired by PHPS. Bravo to everyone and thank you for delighting us with your performances. We look forward to a completely new line up of talent at our Bazaar Talent Assembly next Friday Dec 1st.

Inspired by a synchronised Taekwondo routine in last year’s Bazaar Talent Show, students from Be Taekwondo were invited to demonstrate their skills. They performed a set of formal sequences in an impressive routine, and then demonstrated their breaking techniques. We were then treated to sheer power of a different kind when our newest student band, the ABCDs performed ‘Thunder Struck’. Watch this exciting space, now that Flynn, Tucker and Arlo have been plugged in and conquered the Bazaar stage, there will be no holding them back! They were followed by our much loved Teeny Tiny Stevies who drew in our littlest Bazaar kids, and fans of all ages who still connect to their inner toddler. We all love singing along with their, now iconic, preschooler hits. Written with the tender humour of the parenting experience and through the eyes of little folk, these songs are an absolute hug. So, when the school parent and student choir was invited to sing along to one of their catchiest songs ‘Boss of My Own Body’ we were stoked, and are adding this appearance to our CVs!

in our dark glasses as we sang with the Teeny Tiny Stevies.
Emily, the students and I have absolutely loved having the parents join in with singing in the choir, and in four rehearsals we prepared our set for the Bazaar. Opening with the Samoan Ten Step Sasa, a series of body percussion moves that are simple in structure but impressive to watch, we then sang a song of peace form Africa, Shosholoza. By this time in the afternoon Kofi had arrived, and it was great to add his smooth djembe spice to Senua De Dende, after which he got ‘mobbed’ by his adoring fans.
With the sun high in the sky, we formed an intimate drumming circle on the stage under the shade cloth. Kofi had arrived from performing a four hour African Drumming gig at Federation Square, and was accompanied by another of his dance colleagues, the amazing and dynamic Shaba. Shaba is an incredible dancer and really got the crowd moving and feeling the rhythm. As always it was a a big party finish to a day of quality entertainment. Whether you participated and revived your energy through movement, or soaked up the vibe from behind the fenced off Bar zone, you were treated to that rhythmic drive that pulls us all together. Our thanks to Kofi and Shaba for celebrating with us.

To all the parents, students and members of our school community, and our teachers and staff, thank you for your love, energy, time and hard work to create a fabulous day for us all, and especially for the children. And to Emily Burke, a massive thanks for your vision and skill in weaving this event together with passion, skill and grace. To all who contributed to all the stalls, Bravo, and a bravissimo to Emily Hayes and Alisa and the Stage team for such a wonderful program… and thanks Em, Hannah and Lisa for these Bazaar photos 🙂
And… the show isn’t over yet! Please keep an eye out for all our end of year celebrations: the Bazaar Talent Assembly, the Year 6 Graduation, our School End of Year Expo and our Final Assembly! How lucky we are!! Thank you everyone and have a great couple of weeks. Cheerio, Deb.