We have had a fun filled fortnight, with so much happening in the prep neighbourhood! We received another voice message from our friend Grey Beard, asking the children the following: “How much loot will fit in your boat, will it sink or will it float?” Before testing the boats, we had a go at experimenting…
Author: prepteam
Helping the pirates with their maths
These past few weeks, the Preps have received a number of secret messages from their pirate friends. Redbeard sent the children a counting problem for them to solve. He had four bags of gold coins that he needed to take to the bank, but didn’t know how to add them all together. Learning this, the…
May I Introduce You to My Pirate?
What a busy couple of weeks it has been. Since we last updated you, the children have gone deeper into character for our ‘Conceptual PlayWorld’ experience. They have been inspired to make up their own pirates (or pirate pets) so that they can become a part of the story and act it out first hand….
What floats your boat?
Cryptic messages, a mysterious voicemail, and strange hand delivered notes have occupied the prep neighbourhood this fortnight as our inquiry continues to grow and evolve. Grey Beard has featured heavily in our inquiry over the past few weeks, as we continue to explore sustainability and the concept of different objects being made out of different…
Premiers’ Reading Challenge 2024
The entire Prep cohort have been enrolled in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge for 2024. The challenge has already begun but there are still many days left to read and log books. The goal for students in Prep is to have read 20 books from the challenge list, as well as 10 ‘choice’ books by the…
Plastic Free Ambassadors
After returning from the term break, the neighbourhood was delighted to receive a special parcel from our old pirate friend, Grey Beard! We received some jars filled with plastic objects which he’d collected from a local beach, as well as an encrypted letter that said “help get rid of plastic”. For those of you who may…
Let’s .-.. . .- .-. -. about communication
Following on from our initial inquiry around building and understanding ourselves as part of a community, we have begun to explore concepts related to communication and how our approach to this may change depending on circumstances. We have unpacked the idea of sending and receiving a message being something like throwing and catching. If you…
Parts of Our Community
Through our Welcome Inquiry, we begin each week outside doing our acknowledgement of country. We feel the earth, discuss what we hear and smell, and share what we are grateful for in the natural world. Marcus – “The sun that keeps us warm.” Conrad – “Water that comes from the clouds. We need it for…
Our Growing Inquiry
We have been focused on getting to know each other and supporting the children to settle into school, feel valued, and see themselves as an important part of the prep neighbourhood. To this end, we have been running a series of workshops and provocations to build the children’s capacity to engage with others and collaborate. …
Getting Started in Prep
Welcome back, everyone! We hope you had a fantastic holiday. Excitement has been high in the prep neighbourhood as we jump into our first term together. The children have been amazing – listening well, adapting to new routines, and embracing primary school life. In the first two weeks, we have focused on getting everyone comfortable…