Im proud of collaborating and mixing ideas with other peoples! Ursula
As the term draws to an end, the children have been reflecting on their two terms of school. We began our reflection by asking the children what are you proud of?
I’m proud of getting better at all the maths! Raph
I’m proud of my reading workshops. Drawing the pictures and the words. Julian
That I make new friends every day. Piper
Playing with my friends. Gwen
Together we unpacked the many skills and learning experiences, discussing how these have contributed to our larger neighbourhood inquiry of collaboration.
I’m really proud of drawing dinosaur bones and my crocodile grip. – Josh
I’m proud of how I tell stories to my friends, they like it and they think it’s fun. I’ve gotten better. I’m actually better than my mum’s girlfriend who used to be so good but now I’m better than her! Ronnie
Making new friends. – Arlo
Learning how to read and spell out a few words. Iggy
I’m proud of doing good work in maths. Raf
Im proud of helping people when then cant find something and I know where it is. Daisy
Im really good at making my own books then reading them! Billy B
We look forward to supporting the children applying these skills as we continue our learning journey together.