Looking Back, Looking Forward – Week 10, Term 4

As we continue to look forward in celebrating the end of what’s been a very challenging, but successful year, the students have taken the time this week to think deeply and reflect on the achievements they’ve each made both at school and during remote learning. Through the many themes we’ve covered in our inquiry focuses, students wrote and responded on what they’re proud of throughout Year 1. Here are some quotes from the students themselves:

  • Emma “I am proud of my spelling, writing exciting words and reading longer more challenging words in books”
  • Oscar “I am proud of my writing and I’ve improved on it too. Spelling larger and more exciting words is something I’ve done well and will continue to do next year”
  • Ravi “I’m proud of my reading because it helps me learn about the world.”
  • Alex L “I’m proud that I can do school work independently. When we were in lockdown I had to have some help from mum. Now I can do it independently.”
  • Elias “I have been most proud of my puppets that I have been doing in the Performance Space.”
  • Flynn “I have been most proud of my reading because now I can read chapter books and read independently.”

As well as focusing on what they’re proud of from the year, the students also looked forward to Year 2. Again, responding through writing, students identified areas in their learning they would like to work on or what they were looking forward to in particular. Here are more quotes taken from this perspective:

  • Jamie “I want to learn and speak more English with my friends and my teachers”
  • Rosie “I want to work more with other people in my home group next year”
  • Ada “I am excited about doing projects in year two. If I was drawing a leaf, I would draw it with great detail. I’m also excited to go on excursions.”
  • Eevee “I’m looking forward to swimming lessons because we didn’t get to do them this year because of quarantine.”
  • Mia “I am most looking forward to next year because I have some friends in prep and I hope I am going to be in the mixed group.”
  • Mira “I am most looking forward to in year two is my instrumental music class because I play guitar already. I want to get awesome at it.”

Year 1 Team