#io resto a casa…in cucina: gli aggettivi!

Ciao a tutti! The last two weeks has seen the sharing of some very creative, delicious and heart warming Italian learning as students have ventured into their cucina to explore, taste and make bruschetta and macedonia di frutta! (fruit salad). These learning experiences have been a wonderful demonstration of collaborative learning and indeed it was great to see so many siblings and families working together and posting videos and presentations of their combined culinary efforts. Feedback from students and families confirmed how much students enjoyed the experience. Students embraced the opportunity to demonstrate how ‘strong and capable’ (forte e capace) they are in the kitchen!


This week we have ventured into the world of aggettivi (adjectives) and the way in which they are used in Italian, particularly to describe foods. We’ve looked at how there are both masculine and feminine forms of the adjective, which must match the gender of the noun. For example, la banana e` gialla, il limone e` giallo! This use of adjectives can be tricky at first and requires a great deal of patience and perseverance!


Students have expanded their Italian vocabulary to include adjectives often used to describe foods, such as croccante (crunchy), piccante (spicy), saporito (tasty), buono (good, yummy), delizioso (delicious), caldo (hot), freddo (cold), dolce (sweet). Responses thus far have included drawings and photos with labels or sentences, with students embracing the opportunity to employ this new vocabulary as they explore the concept of masculine and feminine in the Italian language.

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