Bentornati gli studenti 3-6!

Ciao a tutti e bentornati gli studenti 3-6 a scuola! It’s been wonderful to welcome back our senior school students to face to face Italian learning! We’ve reflected on our remote experiences, and how these will inform our future learning. We’ve settled back into our shared Italian class routines, commencing with ballo e movimento (dance and movement), then cerchio e come stai? (check in circle).The students have enjoyed sharing their feelings in interactions with their classmates and sharing the dance and movement experiences that immerse them in the Italian language and help them to transition from English to Italian! Of the many Italian learning experiences, a particular favourite is Kahoot, which students embrace with tremendous enthusiasm. This online quiz site is a great medium for learning and assessing learning. We’ve greatly enjoyed playing Pasta e plurali. Students play in teams, selecting an Italian team name which reflects the theme of the quiz. They often like to demonstrate and extend their learning by creating their own quiz questions, to challenge their peers. Students find Kahoot very engaging and a lot of fun too! 


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