Investigating Change


It has been a relatively smooth few weeks transitioning back to school. We have observed children keen to return to school, who have been easily and independently engaged in learning. It is impressive that most students have remembered to bring water bottles, paper towel and headphones to school to support their learning together.

The Year 6s were super excited to receive their hoodies this week, and the weather inspired some of us to create a wind shield that then became a decorated ‘nest’!

During the teacher’s planning day on Wednesday, the substitute teachers were full of praise regarding how clam, settled, and independent our neighbourhood was. In all the efforts to transition, you may find that your child is tired and a little more emotional. As the term draws to an end, we have very sensitive people who need a little more understanding and care.

Welcome to Selvi and family; and Jasmine and family…

We have had two new students join us since returning to school this term. We welcome Selvi from living in Hong Kong to Kat’s homeroom (year 5), and Jasmine who has moved across Melbourne to Jen’s homeroom (year 6). It would be helpful for these new students to have some connections before the holiday break, so they can begin to connect with their new communities. So please reach out where you can.

Investigating Change and ‘Tipping Points’

Our inquiry continues with the focus concepts being change and perspective.  With all the current affairs surrounding #Blacklivesmatter both in the USA and Australia currently these concepts are more prevalent than ever, therefore we have two concurrent foci. The first being individual inquiry topic groups (including Natural & Human-made Disasters, Biological Pandemics, World Conflicts, Geological Phenomena) and the second being an inquiry into social justice. This week we have begun to consider,  “Is (it) a disaster if it doesn’t affect people?”- Asha /Hendrix, as well as how we can define and measure disasters; and Kitty was curious as to who decided that they were better than others and could be boss in the first place…what lead them to this belief?

We have begun to unpack connotations and bias in vocabulary (e.g. risk-taker /foolish/adventurous) and will begin to consider how our perspectives of the world are shaped and defined by the world around us. Now would be an appropriate time to be watching films such as Zootopia, Queen of Katwe, Whale Rider, Hidden Figures, etc. to discuss the characters’ experiences and any parallels we can draw from our own experiences. We have begun to discuss ‘privilege’ and ‘power’ and you may continue these discussions at home in relation to the films, social media, or materials you read together.

Student-Led Conferences

We are currently reflecting and preparing to share our learning at Student-Led Conferences. We are excited to present online via Webex, so please ensure you have secured your interview time with your homeroom teacher. We are looking forward to meeting with parents again to support your child.