Reflecting on the Home…

Prep- 2
As artists, we use our art to express our way of seeing the world around us. We opened our windows to the outside world when the restrictions eased and it was refreshing to view the outside world again, with a new perspective. Students responded to the idea of expressing their new outlook on the world outside, through drawing, and inspired by the Kitchen Sink Artists.
However, we are now back at school, and can feel some sense of our old world and lives returning. We have used this time, back at school, to reflect on our on-line experiences and to also reflect back on the time we spent in our homes.
We asked the questions:
What did it feel like to be home so much?
What are our favourite memories of being at home?
The students used drawing as the medium that they expressed their emotional connection to certain aspects and people in their home. They recreated their visual memory of their homes using washi tape and created scenes and their perspective of their lives in the home.
They created a collaged drawing and used paint markers to communicate their emotions through colour choice and detailed mark making.

My home was special because of my cat and also because my toys remind me of Keith Haring’s art. Sam

Matthew describes the enormous activity he experienced while at home.

Jack remembered the very special time he was allowed to stay up late and watch movies eating icecream!

In year 1

Oscar spent much time visualising the 3D perspective of his life at home. He has a remarkable view of the minutiae of life.

Anna has created a rich tapestry of her life at home.

Mira used her insight from her study of the kitchen Sink Artists and this influenced her drawing of her life at home.

Year 2

Seb provides the viewer with a wonderful view of life at home.

Years 3-6
In week 9 and 10 the 3-6 students created a reflection of the work they have done over the course of the term while engaging in on-line learning.
Here are Opal’s incisive and thoughtful reflections. Thank you Opal.
Week 3-6: When doing this provocation I realised that you can literally draw anything you have around you. I think that the kitchen sink artist have help me to see my home in some new ways because sometimes when I’m just looking around my house I think to myself that would be a great thing to draw because of the colours, structure and even shading.
Week 4: I sort of found this task a bit challenging when I couldn’t lift up the pen. Every time now when I look down at the sink I see the face I saw when I first drew the picture and when I looked at it hard enough I began to think that sinks are pretty weirdly shaped and now when I go places or the show I look at how every sink is different in its own way.
Week 5: This week was an interesting week. I loved how you could mix nature with house hold things to make it look like trees or bushes. From that experience some times when I’m in the kitchen cooking and pick up a utensil or something I look at it in a different way as in when I pick up the olive piper it looks like two legs and when I pick up a wooden spoon I think of all other things I could of used in the picture/drawing.
Week 7: This week I quite enjoyed because I could just sit down, zone out and really focus on the objects in the window. I feel like for someone who lives in an apartment in the city if they drew what their view from their window was it would look much different to people living near the beach or in the country. Now when I look out a window I really look at the little things that make it stand out and sometimes I think of myself sketching it adding in every little aspect of it. Art this term was a new experience and I really enjoyed it.
When they returned to on-site learning, students from 3-6 also had the opportunity to reflect on life at home and on-line learning. Here are some of their reflective responses to the challenge.

Year 3/4

The activity of life is depicted beautifully in Hugo’s complex drawing of life at home.

Marly has chosen to focus on a much occupied space.
Similarly, in year 5/6 the busyness of life at home is depicted beautifully in this complex drawing by Sebastian.

Juliette provides us with a quiet reflective view of this recent experience; one which so markedly defines the inside and outside perspectives of life…

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