Welcome Back to PHPS!

Hello Year 1 Community – welcome back!

We are so thrilled to be back with the children and the children are thrilled to be back with us! They have settled in beautifully and have delighted in seeing their friends. The children have showed us just how amazing and capable they are by adapting easily to the new routines that we have in place to keep everyone safe.

We would like to say a VERY BIG THANK YOU to all the parents and carers for your amazing job supporting us and the children during our online learning. We would not have been able to do it without your incredible help and we are genuinely grateful for all that you did.

Below are some photos from our first week back. Building on from our exploration into “welcome” and “culture” we set up a series of provocations for the children to engage in to develop our understanding of the importance culture and community play in our lives. Enjoy!