Italiano a casa!

 Ciao a tutti, benvenuti all’italiano a casa!

We have started the term by settling into new routines and into new ways of accessing and sharing our learning in Italian. Students have enjoyed playing Languages Online games to extend their knowledge of Italian numbers, they have shared ways in which the Italian language is visible in their homes (for example, delicious italian dishes for dinner!) and they have posted adorable videos and pictures of orsetti (teddy bears) that they have seen in the windows. The teddy in the window phenomenon is a response to the current situation and is helping boost the spirits of children and adults alike as they take a walk with their families and spot the teddies and soft toys that their neighbours have placed in their windows. Students in prep -2 have used Italian colours and sizes to describe their orsetti and have enjoyed counting them in italiano. It has been a real ‘gioia’ to view and respond to the students’ thoughtful responses on Seesaw.

A huge ‘grazie’ to parents and carers for supporting their children in embracing this new way of learning and responding. We are certainly living the values of One Community (albeit a physically distanced one), Expanding Possibilities and Strong and Capable Children!

Stay safe and a big virtual abbraccio to you all!


Dear Annamaria, Recently it was my brother’s birthday. We didn’t go out but we had a…….. MOLTO MOLTO MOLTO MOLTO MOLTO DELIZIOSO CONTINENTAL CAKE FROM AN ITALIANO BAKERY! Then it was Easter (Nothing to do with Italiano but happy Easter from 6 days ago!) My mum also made a… MOLTO BELLA LASAGNA!! 🥰 La lasagna è la mia preferita. I was a little sad because I couldn’t spend time with my Nonna gentile, dolce e premuros 😢But I still got to see her before easter! Yesterday I practiced my Italian on Languages online and learned and memorized more of the Italian numbers like sessantuno, settantaqinque, and cinquanta­sei. Ti auguro un buon giorno! From, Giulia.



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