
In the Prep Neighbourhood we are thinking about connections in many different ways at the moment. We are observing, listening to and documenting a rich variety of connections between the children and between the children and the adults in our Neighbourhood. Children are beginning to understand their connection to all teachers in the Neighbourhood and recognise that we are one community.  We have begun to see the children explore spaces less familiar to them. Some children who have been comfortable in a particular space have now been encouraged to make connections to another space. In many instances this has unearthed strengths and new passions.  We are allowing time and setting up provocations to help the children to connect with each other, the spaces and materials. We have seen children using the blocks to construct and connect.  Tea- parties and restaurants created, forming connections to the broader community and the world. We have listened to prior knowledge and understandings about Australia’s first nation’s peoples and their perspectives, making connections to the idea of welcome. We have used collaborative art in the studio as a metaphor for the reciprocal nature of welcome. Over the next few weeks we will be looking for more ways to connect in our Neighbourhood. Please come in and visit us and share your thoughts about welcome and connections.