Term 3 Week 2 Learning Focus

This week, the children have been responding to our inquiry provocations into stories. Each space set up to create a specific nature environment.

To spark the children’s imaginations we asked them to respond by drawing the story of the desert, the story of the sea and the story of the rainforest.

To deepen our investigation into the environment, we read the Big Book Life in a Rainforest. We asked the children to share an interesting fact they discovered.

We have been supporting the children to learn how to identify messages within stories. When we came together as a neighbourhood to share our ideas one child observed: “Messages in stories teach us lessons.” To build on this observation we asked the children what message they would like to share with the world. Many responses contained a message about the environment.

In Maths, the children have been building on their skills of counting efficiently by bundling to 10 and extending their knowledge of place value by counting up to 10,000.