Provocation Time

Over the last few weeks we have deepened our knowledge of construction through a range of provocations. These have come in a range of experiences and materials.

Clay Hands – Recently a small group of children became interested in their hands and took several photographs of hands in the Prep Neighbourhood. These photos were then used as inspiration for further inquiries into our hands.

Science Experiments – Over the last several weeks a range of different science experiments have been set up in the studio. The children are beginning to  observe, record and hypothesise their interpretations.

Book Construction – There is continued interest in stories and book construction. We are aiming to further enhance this interest with a series of focused workshops.

Adventure Diaries – The adventure diaries have arisen from the natural interest of the children in dramatic play in the performance space.


Block Construction – The Children have begun to co-construct in small groups creating a variety of differing structures. This area has been a wonderful place for children to build resilience and to problem solve.