iSea iCare- Banyan Reserve and Kananook Creek

Last week our iSea iCare ambassadors ventured to Banyan Reserve and Kananook Creek to explore the workings of litter traps, water testing and the impact of litter.

We saw the litter trap working in action, dumping litter onto a deck for us to observe. It smelled shocking and there was much more rubbish than we imagined there would be.

We PH tested the water at Banyan Reserve to determine whether it is safe for marine life to live in. It was actually a very good level and this meant the litter trap was doing its job.

Did you know?

Leaves produce nutrients when they fall into water and this creates algae that is unhealthy and dangerous for marine life.


When we are blowing leaves, be mindful of where they end up.


We walked along Kananook Creek and reached Frankston Beach where we conducted a litter survey. We raced to find as much rubbish as possible within a designated area. The rubbish will all be collected into a bag and off for further testing.


Before disposing of plastic bottles, please pull out and cut the rings inside the bottle tops and caps. They’re usually blue. In fact do the same for anything that is circular before disposing of it because they can strangle wildlife.