Learning Focus – Week 2

Welcome to Week 2!

The Year 2 neighbourhood has started Term 1 in a very positive fashion. In Week 2 the students will continue our wellbeing focus by exploring what it means to be a member of the Princes Hill community. In Week 2 this will involve the students sharing an object that is special to them. These objects will be displayed on our Treasure Table.



In Week 2 we will be continuing our appreciation of literature through the sharing of group texts. This allows the students to understand the different features of a text, unpack the message within the text and also share their thoughts and wonderings.  The students will also be involved in guided reading sessions to further develop their use of reading strategies.

In writing the students will continue their recounts and letter writing. A focus in Week 2 will be the use of descriptive language to add detail and greater meaning to their writing.



In maths this week our focus will be measurement. The students will be investigating the measurement of time including telling the time to the quarter hour. The students will also discuss the different units of measurement and how these are used to measure different objects. The students will be measuring body parts and comparing these. This links with our People of Princes Hill wellbeing provocation and the upcoming Winter Olympics in PyeongChang which begin on the 9th of February.


The Year 2 Team.