Week 4 Learning Focus


Last week the children explored “who we are in different places”. They expressed connections to family, school and nature. This week we’ll delve deeper with the children to explore “why”  they feel the way they do in particular contexts. Our focus will be responding with our senses. We will set up different spaces to provoke responses from the children.  We will use this stage of exploration to investigate and learn about the impact particular spaces have on children . 


Lately we have been exploring addition concepts and some subtraction. The focus has been on mental computation (working it out in our heads and using our fingers to support). This week we will continue practicing a range of counting strategies and continue playing a game called Who Has? – A fun call and answer game the requires some quick thinking. We will also be looking a lot more a measurement over the coming weeks – Seeing if we have grown, and using days and months to describe the duration of things.


So far the children have written recounts on what they have done on the weekend and holidays. Assessment reveals there is scope for them to develop a deeper understanding of all the writing conventions of a recount; the setting, events and concluding statement. We’ll use the children’s book “A Lion in Paris” as our springboard. This highly acclaimed story-book tells the story of a lion who, bored by his rural life in the savanna, seeks excitement and opportunity in Paris. Revealing the sights and sounds of Paris from Montmartre to the Eiffel Tower, this beautifully illustrated book successfully conveys the experience of being a stranger in a new city – and ties in beautifully with our inquiry focus of how we feel in a particular environment.