Parent Helpers

If you are interested in coming in and helping out during provocation time, add your name to the parent helper sign up sheet on our notice board. Here are the times below:

Wednesday June 7th: 9.15-10.00AM (late notice, I know! But, would LOVE some support, if possible) 

2x helpers required for Maker Group

Tuesday June 13th: 9.15-10.00AM

2x helpers required for Maker Group

2x helpers required for Nature Group

Wednesday June 14th: 9.15-10.o0AM

2x helpers required for Maker Group

2x helpers required for Nature Group

Monday June 19th: 9.15-10.00AM

2x helpers required for Maker Group


  • Helping preps build their projects for eg. gluing, cutting, measuring 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask one of the neighbourhood teachers.