Author Study: Eric Carle

As part of our learning into author study, the Preps have been exploring Eric Carle and his unique storytelling and illustrations. First, we began by reading through various texts such as “Slowly, slowly said the sloth”, “The secret birthday message” and many more. As we read through each story we discussed the reoccurring style of Carle and how he became well known through his simple yet creative vision. From there, we decided to take the exploration into our hands so we created paper from scratch much like Carle did when he built his stories.

Once the paper was dry and ready. We brainstormed various animal designs in order to create our very own Carle inspired artwork. The end result was just fantastic!

Now with their designs complete, the Preps are finalising their own story to match their wonderful animal. Stay tuned for the end result, we plan to build our very own Carle book for each of the three animal groups.