Happenings week 5

This week in the neighbourhood
This week in the Maths Project we have been looking at number and measurement. We have been measuring out heights using sting and making a collective height wall display to observe and compare the range of heights throughout the year twos.
numeracy 1
Exploring measuring height
numeracy 2
Matilda’s height measurement
This week through our inquiry into systems, each project group has been developing Information Reports that reflect our current understanding of the text genre and the use of labelled diagrams to support our writing.
We’ve also been focusing on the ‘/er/ sound‘ as part of our literacy workshops.
This week the inquiry has taken on a new direction in our learning as we move from looking at the different systems within our Earth, Space and Human Body project groups to drawing comparisons to how these systems have changed over time. This has required research and transference of knowledge to ensure accuracy and relevancy information.
inquiry 1
Researching the water cycle
inquiry 3
Using music to explore growing up
inquiry 4
Exploring fingerprints
inquriy 2
Makey Makey