Everything’s Happening!
During the past two weeks in the 5/6 neighbourhood we have continued exploring the concept of personal and historical growth and worked hard on developing a Q & A for the mothers day assembly.

On Thursday of week 3 everyone in 5/6 had our first interschool sports experience. We divided up into the five different Inter School Sports (ISS) teams then traveled to our designated playing venues . The five sports we are competing in over the next 7 weeks are; AFL, soccer, netball, basketball, and tea ball.
Footy, Soccer and Tee-Ball were all played at Princes park, Basketball was played here in the school gym and Netball was played at Ascot Vall. We played our chosen sports against multiple schools and we will continue to play during the next 7 weeks. The experience of ISS helped us to practise our teamwork, sportsmanship, collaboration skills and determination. Here are some reflections from some students about what they learned from participating in ISS:
- ‘’Baz was playing basketball really well so I asked him whether he played basketball and he said yes and so I was really surprised because that is something new I learnt about him.”- Aliye
- ‘I practised my passing skills and how to dribble the ball and I had a very fun time playing with the team in basketball.’ –Tom C
This week we heard the sad news that we will not be going on the camp to Canberra but, we happily learned that we are now going to camp Manyung in Mount Eliza on the Victorian Peninsula. Esme brought us together on the deck outside of the 5/6 portables and announced the exciting news to us. The reasoning behind the change in venue is that teachers weren’t allowed to travel interstate without a good reason. This is because of the recent COVID-19 cases in WA and SA. We are all feeling a bit disappointed but positive about camp Manyung. Just like last year we are being very flexible and easy going. Here are some thoughts about Canberra camp being cancelled:
- ‘Well I am sad about missing Canberra but I am happy that we are going to a new camp and even though it is a camp that we have been to before it is still exciting.’ Yvette
- ‘I am kind of disappointed that it has been cancelled but I am kind of hoping that it will commence again next year but I do feel sorry for the year 6’s.’ –Xena
- “I think that it was quite a disappointment and i think i would of learnt more at Canberra camp Manyung is a good substitute because it’s a action camp” – Jimmy
- ‘I was upset because the year 5s can do it next year but for the year 6s this was kind of there;ast chance to go somewhere interstate for camp, it is not all bad at least we still get to go to camp.’-Sienna
- “I am very annoyed that we can’t go to Canberra camp andI hope we can do it next year”- Mateo
We continue to explore the Inquiry of Growth. Last week we seperated into our nominated inquiry groups which were Historical and personal growth. The Personal growth workshop helped us to explore the links between our emotions and behaviours using our faces to express different emotions. The students in historical growth began making timelines of our personal lives. We are looking at what happened worldwide simultaneously with our personal significant events.
- ‘I’m enjoying being able to look at how the brain works in personal growth and I’m excited about learning a bit about how my family heritage might affect me.’ –Ruben D
- ‘It is fun to learn about how emotions work and what part of our brains control what.’ -Fynn
- ‘I think it is interesting because we get to learn about what’s happened and it’s affected how we live.’ –Reuben
- ‘I think of history as a way to reflect on the past. History has got so many facts and a lot has happened in the past. ’ –Jeremy
On Friday 7th of May we had the Mothers and Special Carers assembly which took place on the North oval. We were treated to watching the preps sing; and the 1s and 2s shared what they love about their mums; and the 3/4s sang and then the 5/6s had a humorous Q & A panel. The people on the panel had to practise their script writing, public speaking and improvisation. The mothers and carers stood and watched the assembly on the other side of the oval with bright smiles on their faces. The assembly was also streamed onto the schools YouTube account by our 5/6 Tech Crew. The Tech crew got to school early to help set up the assembly and help pack it up.
- “I felt Mother’s Day was really special this year and I think mothers should be appreciated more frequently, I thought it was really nice how we put on an assembly for mothers” – Athena
- ‘What I thought about it was I thought it was pretty organised and the younger kids did pretty good songs too and I could really see how all of it came together to represent Mother’s Day.’ –Chanon
- ‘It was fun because I liked speaking in front of everybody and I liked making everyone laugh. It was also very well put together as everything was well organised.’ –Paisley
On Wednesday 12th of May and Friday 14th of May (and next week) the year 5s have NAPLAN on writing and reading then the week after they do math. NAPLAN stands for National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy
- ‘I love NAPLAN because it’s fun to do the test and makes me smarter.’ – Rudi
- ‘I love NAPLAN because its helps me with math, writing and reading.’- Anthony
- ‘NAPLAN is not my favourite thing butI will enjoy the learning experience.’ –Mateo
Last Tuesday the year 6s got their 2021 graduation hoodies. It is a construction based design with the slogan being ‘The tool to a bright future’. At the end of last year the year 6s (year 5s at the time) individually or in a group designed a hoodie. They then all voted on which one they wanted and the winner was announced. Then almost a term later we got the hoodies. Here are some of the Year 6s thoughts on the hoodies:
- ‘There super soft and they’re comfy.’ –Hamish
- ‘I think they look really good and I think that they are a good design and I think that they really suit the year level.’ –Atticus
- ‘They are soft.’ –Archie S
This 5/6 blog post was brought to you by: Poppy, Olin, Grover, Finn, and Harry.