Term 3, Week 10: Leadership and communicating impact

Over the last two weeks, the 5/6 Neighbourhood have continued to work in project groups around our inquiry into legacy, leadership change and impact. 

Student Parliament

The JSC ustilised their leadership skills when they hosted another Student Parliament this week, where the representatives from prep, grade 1, grade 2, 34NH 1 and 34NH 2 all came together to share their ideas about our school – allowing us to hear the student voice from across the school. 

Using the format: Repeat, Remove, Rethink the representatives discussed things that they wanted to see more of or done again, things they want to stop and things they think needs reworking a bit. Some really good suggestions were made about having more discos, more events during book week, and reconsidering how the north oval is used so all ages have more access at different times. This has given the JSC lots of things to think about and we will be using our next meeting to see what suggestions we are able to work on in the the short and long term.

In addition to this, the JSC were able to update the younger students on some exciting events they are working on: The Halloween disco, a Reverse Day at the end of term 4 and a junior school sports tournament. Ask your neighbourhood representative for all the updates!

In our inquiry groups…


Our techniques are getting better and have been peer reviewed within the neighbourhood. We are now sending our latest episode out to the student community to watch and give us more feedback! We have also confirmed our excursion to ACMI where we will take part in a news creation workshop and really hone our technical skills. This will take place week 5, term 4.

Public Art- Mosaic Friendship Bench

The students in this group have consulted with children across the school, to identify the images, colours and words that they identify with friendship. These are now being turned into the final design for our mosaic bench. The student had also created a cost list for all the materials they will need. To learn the skills of the art of mosaic, they will participate week 2 in term 4. Check compass for details.

What is Forever?

The students have really been honing in on communicating what they have been exploring through documenting their process. Our next steps are working out how we share this with the community and completing proposals as part of this process. We are organgising an excursion to the museum for week 2, term 4 that will complement the topics we have been learning about and will help us consider how to display knowledge. 

Home group and small group targets: Next Steps

English: Spelling will continue to be a focus with daily tasks to support the transference of knowledge to unknown words. 

Mathematics: In mathematics, we will be starting to work on financial mathematics and tie this in with an economic focus later in term 4. 

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