Term 3 Week 6 – Being producers in project groups

Over the last two weeks, the 5/6 Neighbourhood have worked in project groups to deepen their understanding and think of ways to create a product that reflects our inquiry into legacy, leadership change and impact. 

Community expertise and resources are invaluable to our inquiry projects! We encourage any members of the school community to let us know if you think you can help out, especially with:

  • Public Art group: Experience with mosaicing and/or any relevant supplies that could be rehomed please!
  • Forever group: We have been particularly drawn to looking at infinite in ‘very big and very small’. We’d love the opportunity to learn from anyone who works in a field that engages with concepts of scale and magnitude. We’d also be extremely grateful if anyone has a scientific microscope they’d be willing to loan or donate!

We also celebrated Book Week, which was a great opportunity to reflect on all the ways that ‘reading is magic’, and allowed the children in the 5/6 Neighbourhood to all be leaders and helpers for the younger students across a series of workshops.


The students have been hard at work documenting all the goings on around the school! They’ve completed a full pilot episode, received feedback from the Neighbourhood and already have future installments in progress. Through the process, they’ve engaged with students and teachers across the school, honed their video editing skills and considered the characteristics of effective interviewers.

Public Art

Children have completed some initial research into various forms of public art and brainstormed ideas around values and messages they think their artwork should promote. The group has settled on a final product of making a mosaic ‘Friendship Bench’ as a memorial to and reimagining of the Friendship Tree that used to be in the passive play area. Students have split into different teams to each take on a specific role in bringing this idea to life!

What is Forever?

Children have explored what it means to think like scientists, mathematicians and philosophers. They’ve done some amazing learning and thinking around scale and magnitude through, first, looking at various ways to visualise the enormity of time and space, and then exploring the notion that things can be infinitely small and exploring the detail that exists in all kinds of objects through using microscopes. 

Home group and small group targets: Next Steps

English: In our home group text study and writing workshops across the last fortnight, students have been looking at Book Week and crafting effective dialogue. Our writing will continue to focus on direct and indirect speech, moving to look at crafting a text response using quotes from the author and citing research in informational writing.

Mathematics: In mathematics, we are embarking on new goals and target teaching around division.

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