Legacy and Leadership – Term 2  Week 4

Over the last two weeks the 5/6 neighbourhood continued exploring the big ideas of legacy and leadership. As we are now in the connect and then expand phase of our inquiry students have been exploring and sharing what they already understand about these very important big ideas! 

We have been focusing on the key words: Citizenship, Legacy, Leadership, Impact, Change and Sustainability.

Some students explored the legacy behind family crests and their meaning. Some students decided to make their own family crest reflecting the diversity of their family and its values. We made a video on this to share our crests at the Mothers and Special Carer’s assembly.

“I was surprised how ‘Board’ was so old. It was in Ireland a long time ago. It is linked to a convict called George Board in South Australia” Felix.

“I was surprised how many family crests were on the internet. My family crest has hawk feathers in the middle of a flower.” Max.

We have continued exploring literature and sharing our views by making podcast. We used the New Metrics competencies of: being a producer, reflecting on our work and using feedback feedback.

As we begin to explore the impact of sustainability in relation to legacy and leadership, some students have been researching the Great Garbage Patch. During workshops, we have looked at how to work out volume, linking it with our work on area, to begin looking at the impact of rubbish collection in Argyle Square in Carlton. We have used our knowledge of data to begin thinking about how the data collection could be used. Check out the data here…


Looking ahead, the 5/6 neighbourhood will be focusing on the following elements of the curriculum, through our big ideas presented in our inquiry. 

In literacy we will be continuing to focus on analysing and comparing s character and theme. Students will be learning to analyse and explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used by different authors to represent ideas, characters and events through our reading, in particular through literature circles. We are also working on developing understanding of sentence structures – simple, compound and complex – and using them more effectively in our writing.

In numeracy we are exploring volume and capacity to solve problems relating to rubbish collection. We will also be learning how to solve mathematical problems by developing our fluency around recall of multiplication and division facts, and through strategies that build on this skill.

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