Our Next Steps – Term 1 Week 8

After a very successful Welcome Expo we have now wrapped up our initial inquiry for the year and are now in the CONNECT phase of our 5/6 inquiry for 2024. As part of the connect inquiry, the children in 5/6 are using provocation time to share curiosities, develop good questions, share their interests and knowledge and play with a range of big concepts and ideas. 

One of the key frameworks we have been exploring are the UN development goals and considering the ones that we feel most connected with and the goals that focus on the things we experience in our everyday lives. 

As are of the connect phase, we have also been using technology to hear stories, from podcasts, videos, news, poetry and biographies. By consuming a range of enriching content, we are able to start thinking about the most important things to us and start to think about what we would like from the 2024 5/6 neighbourhood inquiry. 

While we are in the connect phase, we continue to build our knowledge in many curriculum areas. In the next fortnight we have the following areas of focus.

In mathematics we are looking at decimals and fractions. In particular how to add, subtract fractions and decimals. As well as use place value to multiple and divide decimals. A practical application of these skills are converting measurements through construction and design. And Calculating sales and discounts when working with money. 

In reading we are working on understanding structure. Developing a deeper understanding about how structure influences and impacts a reader and exploring how texts for different purposes are structured in different ways. For this we will be exploring poetry, 

In writing we use persuasive writing techniques we learnt earlier in the term to look at how to write and structure a business plan which forms part of our inquiry. We will also be building and focusing on editing and revision, by using resources like our editing checklists.