Our Welcome Project – Term 1 Week 6

As part of our Welcome Project for 2024, the 5/6 neighbourhood is excited to present our learning for our innitial inquiries. At the Welcome Expo we will present our work as we are currently in the COMMUNICATE phase of our inquiry.

This inquiry explored the question “How do I shape my neighbourhood and how does my neighbourhood shape me?” which was explored by different children in many different ways. Throughout the project we also achieved many important milestones and routines, setting us up for a great year ahead. These include our writing neighbourhood acknowledgement, building our understanding of the spaces, developing our routines and creating our statement of expectation. By building our neighbourhood together we ensure it is a safe, inclusive and considered space for all staff and students.

As part of the ‘communicate’ phase of our inquiry, we will also be showcasing projects developed by the 5/6 children. For these, children were able to share passions, skills and interests of theirs with others. Projects also aligned with spaces, and the children deepened on their skills in many different materials. We had artists in our studio, designers working in our construction space, actors in our performance space and writers in our learning commons. Through the projects we also developed our capabilities, and using the lens of New Metrics we were able to document our growth of these competences as the projects developed.