We are Leaders – Term 1 Week 4

The last fortnight has been incredibly busy as our neighbourhood has continued to share and develop our understanding of leadership in action. Our year 5’s are inspiring their prep buddies doing many shared experiences. The year fives are particularly proud of the collective paper chain they collaborated on. They have also enjoyed reading to them and sharing stories. Each day, the year 5’s have the responsibility to support their buddy at each play ensuring they get to know the school grounds, connect with their friends and have a happy and safe playtime.

Being a big buddy means you have to be responsible – Flynn

And set a good example. – Anna

It can sometimes be challenging because you have to prioritize them and sacrifice your break to ensure they are okay. – Elia 

As the year 5’s begin their leadership journey the year 6’s are continuing to lead by example. Last week, our JSC presented their first whole school assembly. They have also been working on multiple projects for the 5 2024 ministries. They are showing agency and communication and collaboration and we are so excited to see all the wonderful things they will accomplish this year. 

Leadership means committing to a purpose and seeing it through. – Iggy 

Leadership means to be a positive role model for others and contribute to your community. – Ivy 

Leadership means to me being a role model, to commit to something and not give up. – Evie H

Leadership means to be a role model to the other students and people around you. It also means to help out and contribute your ideas to the community around you and support people.-Ayshe.

Alex: Leadership means showing respectful learning ways and committing to a purpose to help the community.     

Leadership means  being a role model and to show commitment.- Mimi 

Leadership means to be a commuter and a role model – Bob