How do I shape my neighbourhood and how does my neighbourhood shape me? – Term 1, Week 2

The 2024 5/6 neighbourhood was off to a great start as we gathered together in our new neighbourhood last week. This year, we are gathering together from three different neighbourhoods so it was vital for us to begin developing our community and building a strong sense of connection and collaboration. This is particularly important as we get used to our learning spaces and our new leadership roles JSC, year 6’s and buddies. 

Our initial inquiry question this year is How do I shape my neighbourhood and how does my neighbourhood shape me? This has emerged as we work towards the Welcome Expo which is taking place later this term. Through provocations, projects and workshops we have understood and documented our learning characteristics and started incorporating our personal strengths and our shared values into our neighbourhood learning. 

Some students have dived into using our construction space and digital technology to prepare and plan artifacts that represent our neighbourhoods while others have been developing performances which communicate the history of the neighbourhood and the journey of the two cohorts which are now together. We also have artists, writers and designers developing info graphics and displays that will support us this year, connect, organize our thinking and deepen our learning about the world around us.

As we move through the ‘expand’ phase of our welcome project inquiry, we will continue to deepen and connect our thinking and work towards building a neighbourhood community that demonstrates and lives our values, passions and strengths.