This past fortnight has been extremely busy and hugely monumental for the ⅚ neighbourhood as we celebrated our year 6’s at their Year 6 Graduation Ceremony and the learning of the ⅚ inquiry through the Learning Expo. While this week’s expo week marks the end of the Princes Hill Learning journeys for our year 6’s,…
Term 4 Week 8 – Strong and Capable Children at Camp
The 56 neighbourhood have been on camp! It was a wonderful time at Camp Mangyung in Mt Eliza. The weather was perfect as we proved we are strong and capable children, particularly when experiencing the Tree Top Challenge and High Swing. The Tree Top Challenge comprising of zip lines and high board walks forced us…
Term 4 Week 6 – Real world experiences
The 5/6 NH has had a lot of activity over the last two weeks! The students participated in Inter School Sport (ISS) along with local schools, participating in rounders, cricket, tchoukball and basketball. Our Bike Ed incursion taught us about how to be safe when riding and highlighted our responsibilities when out in the community.…
Term 4 Week 4 Learning through different Disciplines
During the last two weeks in 5/6 we have been completing our collective inquiry projects. ‘PHPS News’ visited ACMI to learn more about presenting skills to help with our news episodes. Using the green screen and seeing the way the camera and lights were used in a professional setting really helped the students to focus…
Term 4, Week 2: Reflecting on legacy and planning for celebrating our learning
It has been a busy start to term 4 in the 5/6 Neighbourhood! Intensive swimming is underway and project groups have been involved in various incursions and excursions as we think about being producers and sharing our learning at the Expo later this term. We have also begun looking towards the future, with Grade 5…
Term 3, Week 10: Leadership and communicating impact
Over the last two weeks, the 5/6 Neighbourhood have continued to work in project groups around our inquiry into legacy, leadership change and impact. Student Parliament The JSC ustilised their leadership skills when they hosted another Student Parliament this week, where the representatives from prep, grade 1, grade 2, 34NH 1 and 34NH 2 all…
Term 3, Week 8: Getting into the flow of our final projects
Over the last two weeks, the 5/6 Neighbourhood have continued to work in project groups to deepen their understanding and think of ways to create a product that reflects our inquiry into legacy, leadership change and impact. Repeated request from last blog: Community expertise and resources are invaluable to our inquiry projects! We encourage any…
Term 3 Week 6 – Being producers in project groups
Over the last two weeks, the 5/6 Neighbourhood have worked in project groups to deepen their understanding and think of ways to create a product that reflects our inquiry into legacy, leadership change and impact. Community expertise and resources are invaluable to our inquiry projects! We encourage any members of the school community to let…
Term 3, Week 4 – Applying our learning in project groups
As we approach the halfway point of term 3, the 5/6 Neighbourhood have entered the apply phase of our inquiry into legacy, leadership change and impact. As part of deepening and demonstrating our learning and new understandings, we have split into 3 project groups. Each student has opted into one of the following based on…
Term 3 Week 2 – Legacy and Leadership
Term 3 has begun and the students have been settling back into the routines of the neighbourhood. We had ten students selected to attend a nine day outdoor education camp at Somers on the Mornington Peninsula. Here they experienced challenges that align with our school values of expanding possibilities and strong and capable children. Highlights…