It is always a joy to participate in Book Week celebrations and this year was no exception. We looked closely at a number of shortlisted Book Week books during the week and the students’ responses and deep insights always astounds us.
A bit thank you to Elise Hurst (Sammy and Archie’s mum) who presented at the whole school Book Week assembly about the work that she does as an illustrator and author.
If you have not had an opportunity to see the whole school Book Week assembly, the link is posted below. Unfortunately there were a few technical issues, the 5/6 children recorded the live parts after the assembly again. The complete assembly, sadly without Esme’s introduction, can be viewed at
We explored the text Dry to Dry The Seasons of Kakadu by Pamela Freeman and Illustrator Liz Anelli and asked the students to tell us about the story.

‘When I looked at the cover at the start I guessed it would be about plants and animals. When I read it, it was nearly what I thought but better. It is a very good story and has good illustrations. I think that it is both a imaginative text, persuasive text and a informative text because it has a lot of knowledge in it. I think this is created for people that want to learn about the land and the animals. I really want this book at home.’ Karl

We also read and investigated closely the book, How to make a bird by Meg McKinlay, illustrated by Matt Ottley. Here are some of the students responses.

Scarlett Hope
We also had a fun day on Wednesday dressing up.
A big thank you to Elise Hurst (Sammy and Archie’s mum) who presented at the whole school Book Week assembly about the work that she does as an illustrator and author. We very much appreciate your contribution to Book Week.

If you have not had an opportunity to see the whole school Book Week assembly, the link is posted below. Unfortunately there were a few technical issues, the 5/6 children recorded the live parts after the assembly again. The complete assembly, without Esme’s introduction, can be viewed at